If this feature could be added to the program, with the option, to configure it to which fields it will ālookā for duplicates, that would be more than great. It would be nice if it can run on the background, to prevent creation of duplicates. But also to run it as a separate Administrator / or assigned person task where you could select more fields to to do a deeper duplicate search. In the first case, it should show you a duplicate result that you can review to check or it is a true duplicate (The same person or company) or simply an identical value for whatever matching field, without leaving the creation of the new record. If it is the same person / company, it should offer the option to merge the newly added info, with the existing record.
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I am Dutch, but moved over to live in Egypt some years ago. I am about to start a company and in my search for a good CRM program, I first started with trying out sugarCRM, then moved to vTiger, because of the commercial aspirations of sugarCRM. Then while I made myself familiar with vTiger for some time, I discovered that vTiger was going the same track as sugarCRM, they became commercial. While the fork of vTiger from sugarCRM was exactly that reason.
Since suiteCRM is also started for the same reason, I do hope it will never follow that same track. It is very frustrating to start with a good functioning, open source project, with all the functions, whistles and bells fully integrated and working, and then they change it to SaaS or stripped open source version. With the only option that if you want all the nice features, that you will have to pay for it.
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I saw a very nice feature in the fight against duplicates. It is commercially sold by Enjay. They have the standard function version, but also an enhanced version of the first one. It uses analytical (same sounding) duplicate checking. In Arabic countries, there are two problems with names. First of all, relatively many people are having the same name. Secondly, there are many ways to write the same name. In Arabic countries, they also write the names in western (Non-Arabic) script. Because there are many systems in use that are unable to record the names in Arabic. As you can imagine, there is a big problem at our company horizon with duplicate names. Since Arabic names are phonetically translated to the Western script. This way, we add even more variations to how a name can be written. Our company will record the names only in Western script. A very clever (preventive) duplicate checking mechanism, available out of the box, will for sure add great value to suiteCRM. It will position suiteCRM much stronger in the market, since (For as far as I know) no other competition does have such functionality build in their CRM software.
So far I love suiteCRM. I hope and expect to see much beautiful things to come in the future of suiteCRM. (But some updating of old php, to get it run more smooth on recent versions of php, would be nice. But this is already the problem of sugarCRM.) Hopefully step-by-step, it does become the most perfect free CRM (or framework which you suit by add-ons to do whatever you want it to do) available. Then it becomes really a very sweetCRM.
Keep up the great work.