Distinguishing between private and work email addresses upon import

See title, I have a contact list to import, which contains private and business email addresses for different users. Private users should not be included in campaigns, thatā€™s why I want the distinctions. We first need to confirm that they actually wish to receive communication.

Work email addresses can be contacted freely.

The filter mask in contacts does not provide any help in filtering for ā€˜opt-outā€™ for example.

Second Question: Can the filter mask be modified somewhere?

Hey there,

Have you found a solution for this by chance?

I donā€™t believe there are many options to facilitate this in the CRM, by default, Iā€™m afraid

However, it would be worth looking into the Confirmed Opt-in functionality found in Admin->Email Settings

This will make it so that Campaign emails will NOT be sent to email addresses which are not marked as Opt In/Confirmed Opt In, depending on which settings is enabled.

So, Private Users wonā€™t receive Campaign Emails until they specifically Opt-in to it.

More information is available here: Confirmed Opt In :: SuiteCRM Documentation

With this, however, Iā€™m not sure if it is possible to Mass-opt-in a certain group of Users, (ie Business Email users)

Perhaps you could try creating a Workflow to mark all Contacts as ā€œOpt-inā€ when their Email Address contains a certain domain?

(Granted, I have not given this a try, so I cannot guarantee it would work successfully as the Opt-in functionality will generate unique Opt-in tokens when submitted by the User themself)

Hello John, thanks for the idea, yes I had considered that, it is actually a bit more complex, since we have contacts world-wide, where in some countries there are no such strict restrictions. So what I have done is re-utilize another field, one that we donā€™t use like the ā€˜Assistantā€™ field and mark it with a w for work and h for home. Then I modified the search mask so that I can actually filter by that field. and voila. would be good of course to have a dedicated field for work/home, like on some business networks, people wish to be contatcted on their private emails, so that they donā€™t have to update their contact when they change jobs. So something to consider.


Ahhh, great idea!
Thanks for sharing!

If you still wish to add a new field that is specifically for identifying Work/Home, you could do so via Studio

If you go to Admin->Studio->[Module Name]->Fields->Add Field

From here, you can add a new field.

As an example, you could add a ā€œPrivateā€ Checkbox:

And add it to the various views, like so:

To identify if the Contact is ā€œPrivateā€ user or not

Or, alternatively, you could create a Dropdown that would allow the user to select from ā€œPrivateā€ or ā€œBusinessā€ options
(or Work/Home)

All of which could be added to the Search views, like you have with ā€œAssistantā€

Yes John, I did that, but apparently, (at least when manipulating in Studio) this custom field in the data base goes to the _custom table, I canā€™t remember why now but I wanted this field in the main table, I think because creating custom queries in studio (or custom relationships, cant remember now) didnā€™t work this way, I couldnā€™t find documentation on how to include custom fields in relationsships and I was too scared to modify the main contacts table directly in phpmyadmin.

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