Displaying data from different modules

Hi ,I have two modules, module 1 holds the personal information of the user while module 2 let us say holds the person’s activities. in module 2 I would like to display the gender base on his information from module 1.
I need to display all data from both Module 1 and 2 in a single screen, but not in ajax call.How to do it?

You can override the display function of the Edit view in Module 2 so you can use PHP to get whatever you need and display it.

See some examples here


I have 3 tables 1st from module builder,2nd from studio and 3rd created manually. Now I want to display data from 3 tables in a single page and I want to edit and update also.

Hi, Thank you. You say that, I need to write a custom code right. But I want to acheive this from suitecrm itself without custom code.

If you tried it from Studio, playing with the Layouts, and realized it isn’t possible, then you must think of using custom code, there is no other way…

ok. I have two modules M1 and M2. I want to display the m2 fields in M1 , is it possible in suiteCRM ? or we need custom code.

Yes, if the relationship between them is not trivial, you need custom code. If it is trivial, it is represented as a Studio relationship, and will show in the subpanels.

I’d say if you are asking, it’s because you couldn’t do it in Studio, so you need custom code. It can be very simple custom code… but still, code.

Can you explain briefly?

Sorry, explain what, the code? I posted a link above, try one of those solutions and when you get blocked on a problem, I can try to help you overcome it.

Although I am not very experienced with code-customizing SuiteCRM…

I need explanation for this following comment said by you,

Yes, if the relationship between them is not trivial, you need custom code. If it is trivial, it is represented as a Studio relationship, and will show in the subpanels.

I’d say if you are asking, it’s because you couldn’t do it in Studio, so you need custom code. It can be very simple custom code… but still, code.

Ah, ok. What I am calling “trivial” relationships in SuiteCRM are those that can be made in Studio, and handled by SuiteCRM in a “normal” way. You can have one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and to handle this you can easily create subpanels.

There are no hidden features here: you can set it up in minutes, and see how it looks, and if it works for you.

Beyond this, there is only the world of custom code. My advice is to try and stay within the default SuiteCRM-way of doing things, it will save you a lot of work. But only you can know your requirements.

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