i want to display users based on heirarchy. suppose a manager can only see his under employees. how can i do that in suitecrm. anyone help ? thanks in advance
Hey Keshava,
I suppose it depends what you’d like to achieve!
You might be able to build a sort of heirarchy using Groups and Roles
As a brief example:
You could create a role for a certain sector, ie: “IT Employees”
and a Manager Role, ie: “IT Manager”
Give both of these roles “Group” permission values on whatever column you feel suitable, (such as View / Edit / Delete)
Then, create a Security Group for each of the above, and associate the role to the group with the same name.
Then, add all appropriate Employees to the “IT Employees” group, and the Manager to both “IT Manager” and “IT Employees” group
The above should give a sort of loose skeleton heirarchy that would allow Managers to see records only created by the users in the above groups
This would also allow you to change the “IT Manager” role’s permissions to allow for more access, as you see fit
If you need any info, we have some documentation on Roles/Groups:
Hopefully this gives you somewhere to start!
Hi john,
Thank you for your response. for records that flow of action okay, but i want to display users based on user login role. suppose if a manager login to dashboard then he wants to see only his under employees but not all employees. how can i do that ? can you share any ideas or explain flow if possible . thanks in advance.