i am new here and my english is not that well so please be patient.
I run suitecrm 7.14.2.
I have added some filed to the account modules. These fields are stored in accounts_cstm table and are used normally. For example “special Description” (specialdesc_c)
Now I wanted to display some of the accountsfields in other custom module (o:o relationship).
I do not need the data there so it must not be database side it should only display the relate informatione in the detailedview to help my users.
I used the way with creating a file in (custom/Extensions/modules//Ext/Vardefs/custom_add.php) and added the needed fields there for testing.
type= relate,
table= accounts,
readlonly = true,
studio = array(‘detailview’ => ‘true’)
After a quick repair the fileds showed up in my studio and i could use them.
Worked like a charm with all native fields as for example website and billing_address.
But it did not work with my custom fields.
If I try it with a field “specialdesc_c” for example. I do get the field but it stays empty even if data is stored in these field. I guess the vardefs module table did not has a connection to its “_cstm” table
Is there a way to add custom fields to the vardef?
Can anybody help me here?
I found the solution “creating fields via vardefs” (Field Relationships - #6 by jansiero)
But this is not the best way for us.
We have multiple instances and a deploment process, that uses generating modles in the modulebuilder. To make fields halfway in modulbuilder and in code… might work but will be a mess.
So if there is any way (nomather how ugly) I would try it.