Display of the date is wrong

Admin -> Locale
the Date Format is set to 23.12.2010
the Time Format is set to 23:00

In the SuiteCRM interface (when creating a record, in list views, …) the date is displayed as 06/15/2019.

How to fix that everywhere the date will be displayed in format 23.12.2010?

SuiteCRM used 7.11.4.

You need to check this into their profile settings…

I m having the same issue, was trying changing the profile settings but doesnt works.
Have no idea where is getting this wrong date.
Let me know if you fix it please.

SuiteCRM report date

Server date

[crm@Suitecrm ~]$ date
Thu May 16 23:19:53 EST 2019

DB is getting the right date.

php.ini date.timezone is right