Display all contacts from contactlist in google maps

We had a campain and I put all interested contacts into a contactlist.
Now I want to display all contacts in one google map, to see the interested areas and plan the route for the selling team.

In suitecrm maps I just found the possibility to make one address as center with radius, but not multiple addresses.
Do you have any ideas?

That’s exaclty what a radius map does. It will show all contacts within a given radius and allow you to add them to a contact list (target list).


You also have the option to group them by a specific field in the settings:

If you want to plot a specific target list, you can try adding target lists and the appropriate table to the configuration (I’ve never tried this).

This is exactly, what I want (with prospect list), but it doesn’t work.

Yeah I just tried it. That won’t work, it would plot “target lists” not the targets on the list.