Discount Field as Percentage?

Does anyone know how I can format the Quote Discount field to show as a percentage? I have it set to use a percentage for it’s calculations which works correctly, but it displays as 20.00 for example. So if I have list for 125, discount as 20.00, it will show the price correct as 100 but it would look much better to display discount as 20%.


Where about do you want it changed? It should show as a percentage on the line in the detail view, then value on the total.

It does show as a percentage on detail view, however we print our quotes via pdf template for our customers. In PDF Template, it does not format the same way. Instead of 20% as shown in detail view for line items, it shows as 20.00.

Looks like an issue in the templateParser.php file in modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/
It looks like line 58 should read:

if($repl_arr['aos_products_quotes_discount'] == 'Pct' || $repl_arr['aos_products_quotes_discount'] == "Percentage")

and line 61:

$value=rtrim(rtrim(format_number($value), '0'),$sep[1]) . $app_strings['LBL_PERCENTAGE_SYMBOL'];
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Perfect, worked great. Thanks so much!