Disable The Cache

Up against a cache issue, installation is in developer mode, Robo task runs, clears the cache. I can verify by ls’ing the cache directory and see it is empty. On the next page refresh, the cache is populated with OLD theme styles. I’ve run repair and rebuild from the admin menu, still no luck. Theme information is fresh, I’ve even rolled back any changes I’ve made.

Please Help

I would try other Repairs from Admin / Repair.

And check also permissions, and other caching mechanisms that might be applying (web server, other network components, browser, etc).

Been working on this, I can not find any caching turned on/implemented in apache or php. I did notice the files that come from the cache on each request have a


and I’m kinda curious where the hash comes from, it doesn’t look to ever change and if I edit the request and remove the parameter it comes back when the request completes.