Good morning
I would like to disable the automatic filling of the fields
where can I disable this feature
King Regards
Versione 7.10.4
Sugar Versione 6.5.25 (Versione 344)
Good morning
I would like to disable the automatic filling of the fields
where can I disable this feature
King Regards
Versione 7.10.4
Sugar Versione 6.5.25 (Versione 344)
You need to stop the browser auto fill option.
You may go through this link
Thanks for your suggest, but non function . i attached a picture
Hello giordenzo,
Did you solve this?
Is the problem the browser’s auto-fill feature, or is it SuiteCRM’s feature?
You cna know it’s SuiteCRM if you search for a value in the related field that you have never searched before, and it appears in the list. The browser wouldn’t have a way of knowing about it.
Hello pgr,
It’s a suiteCRM feature. And I want to block this feature for some requirement.
Internally this is called “sqs”. It’s handled in Javascript, so you can look into injecting some javascript into that view to remove it.
But it might be easier to change the TPL to remove some HTML class that signals to the Javascript which fields to include. I see in Contact’s edit view a class called “sqsEnabled”.
Maybe there’s even a way to remove that “sqsEnabled” class form the vardefs.php in that module, I don’t know…
Hello pgr,
I just solve this by comment below js code in “custom\themes\SuiteP\modules\Leads\tpls\ConvertLead.tpl”
And it’s work.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
code :