Changes like renaming nav menu group is not reflecting because of this error. It displays everytime i do quick repair and rebuild even after fresh install.
/* Table : acl_actions */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - aclaccess - ROW [name] => ‘aclaccess’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - aclaccess - ROW[name] => ‘aclaccess’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ACCESS’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘3’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Number specifying access priority; highest access “wins”’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE acl_actions modify COLUMN aclaccess
int(3) NULL ;
/ Table : cases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - case_number - ROW [name] => ‘case_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
/ VARDEF - case_number - ROW[name] => ‘case_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_NUMBER’ [type] => ‘int’ [readonly] => ‘1’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘true’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [unified_search] => ‘1’ [full_text_search] => ‘Array’ [comment] => ‘Visual unique identifier’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [disable_num_format] => ‘1’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [inline_edit] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE cases modify COLUMN case_number
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/ Table : bugs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - bug_number - ROW [name] => ‘bug_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
/ VARDEF - bug_number - ROW[name] => ‘bug_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_NUMBER’ [type] => ‘int’ [readonly] => ‘1’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘true’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [unified_search] => ‘1’ [full_text_search] => ‘Array’ [comment] => ‘Visual unique identifier’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [disable_num_format] => ‘1’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [inline_edit] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE bugs modify COLUMN bug_number
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/ Table : campaign_log */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - hits - ROW [name] => ‘hits’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - hits - ROW[name] => ‘hits’ [vname] => ‘LBL_HITS’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘0’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click-thrus)’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE campaign_log modify COLUMN hits
int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ;
/ Table : project_task */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - project_task_id - ROW [name] => ‘project_task_id’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - project_task_id - ROW[name] => ‘project_task_id’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PROJECT_TASK_ID’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_start - ROW [name] => ‘time_start’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - time_start - ROW[name] => ‘time_start’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TIME_START’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - time_finish - ROW [name] => ‘time_finish’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - time_finish - ROW[name] => ‘time_finish’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TIME_FINISH’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration - ROW [name] => ‘duration’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - duration - ROW[name] => ‘duration’ [vname] => ‘LBL_DURATION’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_duration - ROW [name] => ‘actual_duration’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - actual_duration - ROW[name] => ‘actual_duration’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ACTUAL_DURATION’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete - ROW [name] => ‘percent_complete’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - percent_complete - ROW[name] => ‘percent_complete’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PERCENT_COMPLETE’ [type] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ [audited] => ‘1’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - parent_task_id - ROW [name] => ‘parent_task_id’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - parent_task_id - ROW[name] => ‘parent_task_id’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PARENT_TASK_ID’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - order_number - ROW [name] => ‘order_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘1’ /
/ VARDEF - order_number - ROW[name] => ‘order_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ORDER_NUMBER’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘1’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - task_number - ROW [name] => ‘task_number’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - task_number - ROW[name] => ‘task_number’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TASK_NUMBER’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - estimated_effort - ROW [name] => ‘estimated_effort’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - estimated_effort - ROW[name] => ‘estimated_effort’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ESTIMATED_EFFORT’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - actual_effort - ROW [name] => ‘actual_effort’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - actual_effort - ROW[name] => ‘actual_effort’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ACTUAL_EFFORT’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - utilization - ROW [name] => ‘utilization’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘100’ /
/ VARDEF - utilization - ROW[name] => ‘utilization’ [vname] => ‘LBL_UTILIZATION’ [required] => ‘’ [type] => ‘int’ [validation] => ‘Array’ [function] => ‘Array’ [default] => ‘100’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ /
ALTER TABLE project_task modify COLUMN project_task_id
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN time_start
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN time_finish
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN duration
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN actual_duration
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN percent_complete
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN parent_task_id
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN order_number
int(11) DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL , modify COLUMN task_number
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN estimated_effort
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN actual_effort
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN utilization
int(11) DEFAULT ‘100’ NULL ;
/ Table : campaigns */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_key’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
/ VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_key’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_KEY’ [type] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘true’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [len] => ‘11’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘The internal ID of the tracker used in a campaign; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)’ [dbType] => ‘int’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_count - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_count’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - tracker_count - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_count’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_COUNT’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [default] => ‘0’ [comment] => ‘The number of accesses made to the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs)’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - impressions - ROW [name] => ‘impressions’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - impressions - ROW[name] => ‘impressions’ [vname] => ‘LBL_CAMPAIGN_IMPRESSIONS’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘0’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Expected Click throughs manually entered by Campaign Manager’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE campaigns modify COLUMN tracker_key
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN tracker_count
int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL , modify COLUMN impressions
int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ;
/ Table : prospects */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_key’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
/ VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_key’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_KEY’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘true’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [importable] => ‘false’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE prospects modify COLUMN tracker_key
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/ Table : campaign_trkrs */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - tracker_key - ROW [name] => ‘tracker_key’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ /
/ VARDEF - tracker_key - ROW[name] => ‘tracker_key’ [vname] => ‘LBL_TRACKER_KEY’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [required] => ‘true’ [studio] => ‘Array’ [comment] => ‘Internal key to uniquely identifier the tracker URL’ [dbType] => ‘int’ /
ALTER TABLE campaign_trkrs modify COLUMN tracker_key
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment;
/ Table : releases */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - list_order - ROW [name] => ‘list_order’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - list_order - ROW[name] => ‘list_order’ [vname] => ‘LBL_LIST_ORDER’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘4’ [importable] => ‘required’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE releases modify COLUMN list_order
int(4) NULL ;
/ Table : emailman */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => ‘id’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ /
/ VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => ‘id’ [vname] => ‘LBL_ID’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [auto_increment] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Unique identifier’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘true’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - send_attempts - ROW [name] => ‘send_attempts’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - send_attempts - ROW[name] => ‘send_attempts’ [vname] => ‘LBL_SEND_ATTEMPTS’ [type] => ‘int’ [default] => ‘0’ [comment] => ‘Number of attempts made to send this item’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE emailman modify COLUMN id
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN send_attempts
int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ;
/ Table : job_queue */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - job_delay - ROW [name] => ‘job_delay’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - job_delay - ROW[name] => ‘job_delay’ [vname] => ‘LBL_INTERVAL’ [type] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - percent_complete - ROW [name] => ‘percent_complete’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - percent_complete - ROW[name] => ‘percent_complete’ [vname] => ‘LBL_PERCENT’ [type] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ /
ALTER TABLE job_queue modify COLUMN job_delay
int(11) NULL , modify COLUMN percent_complete
int(11) NULL ;
/ Table : calls */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours - ROW [name] => ‘duration_hours’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - duration_hours - ROW[name] => ‘duration_hours’ [vname] => ‘LBL_DURATION_HOURS’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘2’ [comment] => ‘Call duration, hours portion’ [required] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes - ROW [name] => ‘duration_minutes’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - duration_minutes - ROW[name] => ‘duration_minutes’ [vname] => ‘LBL_DURATION_MINUTES’ [type] => ‘int’ [function] => ‘Array’ [len] => ‘2’ [group] => ‘duration_hours’ [importable] => ‘required’ [comment] => ‘Call duration, minutes portion’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - reminder_time - ROW [name] => ‘reminder_time’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ /
/ VARDEF - reminder_time - ROW[name] => ‘reminder_time’ [vname] => ‘LBL_REMINDER_TIME’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [options] => ‘reminder_time_options’ [reportable] => ‘’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ [comment] => ‘Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start’ [studio] => ‘’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - email_reminder_time - ROW [name] => ‘email_reminder_time’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ /
/ VARDEF - email_reminder_time - ROW[name] => ‘email_reminder_time’ [vname] => ‘LBL_EMAIL_REMINDER_TIME’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [options] => ‘reminder_time_options’ [reportable] => ‘’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ [comment] => ‘Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start’ [studio] => ‘’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_interval - ROW [name] => ‘repeat_interval’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘1’ /
/ VARDEF - repeat_interval - ROW[name] => ‘repeat_interval’ [vname] => ‘LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘3’ [default] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Interval of recurrence’ [importable] => ‘false’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘’ [studio] => ‘false’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_count - ROW [name] => ‘repeat_count’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - repeat_count - ROW[name] => ‘repeat_count’ [vname] => ‘LBL_REPEAT_COUNT’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘7’ [comment] => ‘Number of recurrence’ [importable] => ‘false’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘’ [studio] => ‘false’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE calls modify COLUMN duration_hours
int(2) NULL , modify COLUMN duration_minutes
int(2) NULL , modify COLUMN reminder_time
int(11) DEFAULT ‘-1’ NULL , modify COLUMN email_reminder_time
int(11) DEFAULT ‘-1’ NULL , modify COLUMN repeat_interval
int(3) DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL , modify COLUMN repeat_count
int(7) NULL ;
/ Table : meetings */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_hours - ROW [name] => ‘duration_hours’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - duration_hours - ROW[name] => ‘duration_hours’ [vname] => ‘LBL_DURATION_HOURS’ [type] => ‘int’ [group] => ‘duration’ [len] => ‘3’ [comment] => ‘Duration (hours)’ [importable] => ‘required’ [required] => ‘’ [studio] => ‘false’ [dbType] => ‘int’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - duration_minutes - ROW [name] => ‘duration_minutes’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - duration_minutes - ROW[name] => ‘duration_minutes’ [vname] => ‘LBL_DURATION_MINUTES’ [type] => ‘int’ [group] => ‘duration’ [len] => ‘2’ [comment] => ‘Duration (minutes)’ [studio] => ‘false’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - reminder_time - ROW [name] => ‘reminder_time’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ /
/ VARDEF - reminder_time - ROW[name] => ‘reminder_time’ [vname] => ‘LBL_REMINDER_TIME’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [options] => ‘reminder_time_options’ [reportable] => ‘’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ [comment] => ‘Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start’ [studio] => ‘’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - email_reminder_time - ROW [name] => ‘email_reminder_time’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ /
/ VARDEF - email_reminder_time - ROW[name] => ‘email_reminder_time’ [vname] => ‘LBL_EMAIL_REMINDER_TIME’ [type] => ‘int’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [options] => ‘reminder_time_options’ [reportable] => ‘’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [default] => ‘-1’ [comment] => ‘Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start’ [studio] => ‘’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - sequence - ROW [name] => ‘sequence’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - sequence - ROW[name] => ‘sequence’ [vname] => ‘LBL_SEQUENCE’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [reportable] => ‘’ [default] => ‘0’ [comment] => ‘Meeting update sequence for meetings as per iCalendar standards’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_interval - ROW [name] => ‘repeat_interval’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ [default] => ‘1’ /
/ VARDEF - repeat_interval - ROW[name] => ‘repeat_interval’ [vname] => ‘LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘3’ [default] => ‘1’ [comment] => ‘Interval of recurrence’ [importable] => ‘false’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘’ [studio] => ‘false’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - repeat_count - ROW [name] => ‘repeat_count’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - repeat_count - ROW[name] => ‘repeat_count’ [vname] => ‘LBL_REPEAT_COUNT’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘7’ [comment] => ‘Number of recurrence’ [importable] => ‘false’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘’ [studio] => ‘false’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [required] => ‘’ */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - gsync_lastsync - ROW [name] => ‘gsync_lastsync’ [type] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘’ /
/ VARDEF - gsync_lastsync - ROW[name] => ‘gsync_lastsync’ [vname] => ‘LBL_GSYNC_LASTSYNC’ [type] => ‘int’ [comment] => ‘The last time this record was synced with Google Account as unix time’ [isnull] => ‘true’ [massupdate] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘’ [importable] => ‘’ [studio] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘int’ [len] => ‘11’ [required] => ‘’ /
ALTER TABLE meetings modify COLUMN duration_hours
int(3) NULL , modify COLUMN duration_minutes
int(2) NULL , modify COLUMN reminder_time
int(11) DEFAULT ‘-1’ NULL , modify COLUMN email_reminder_time
int(11) DEFAULT ‘-1’ NULL , modify COLUMN sequence
int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL , modify COLUMN repeat_interval
int(3) DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL , modify COLUMN repeat_count
int(7) NULL , modify COLUMN gsync_lastsync
int(11) NULL ;
/ Table : tracker */
cant post all of them it goes like 300+ lines
Did you imported your DB from a different installation by any chance?
Also, What version of SuiteCRM, PHP and SQL are you using.
Hi, thanks for the response.
No. I didnt imported it.
Im using
Php 7.4
SuiteCRM 7.11
MySql v8
Update: I also tried installing SuiteCRM 7.10.33 but its still the same when executing Quick Repair and Rebuild
As the installation instructions state: " You must ensure that the Database Administrator you specify has the permissions to create and write to the SuiteCRM database."
From command line:
From cPanel:
We are having the same issue. This happen with MySQL 8 whereby it does not require length define for Integer field but CRM will always include length in the comparison causing the unmatch and prompt you for the repair.
You can execute the statement there is no harm. Just annoying that it keeps coming out.
The issue (script) keeps coming up after I run the script and do another quick repair and rebuild. Do I understand correctly that this is a known issue (in 7.12.8) and we can just ignore it? Does it really have no impact at all?
Thank you!
@Cino it doesn’t appear in the latest versions.
As explained by @ckangwei , the problem is a “false-positive”, SuiteCRM detects a disparity that doesn’t really exist. So it has no impact, other than the annoying warning that never goes away.
hi @bkm
It would be helpful for people who read this thread in the future:
- If you could change the title -to show it is a MySQL 8 specific problem
eg - ‘Differences found between database and vardefs -with MySQL 8 on older Suite versions’