Difference between SugarCRM CE and SuiteCRM?

Can someone explain the major differences between the latest SugarCRM version and SuiteCRM? Is the core of SuiteCRM still based on the latest CE of Sugar or has it significantly diverged since forking off a much earlier version and currently offes much more features than SugarCRM CE?

What about cross-compatibility between third party modules. I’ve found many companies have modules they say will not work with CE, only with Pro edition Sugar. I would expect with the smaller userbase and developer community on SuiteCRM, it would be even more of an issue? Or not?

The core of SuiteCRM is the same as the latest version of SugarCRM CE but Suite contains a lot more functionality which brings it up to a similar level to pro. Third party modules compatible with SugarCRM CE should work fine with SuiteCRM.

Is there a list somewhere I can view indicating the additional functionality?


Go to support & community then Documentation and look under modules. It lists all the main features.

One more question. I understand that SuiteCRM builds on the last version of SugarCRM CE. Now, Sugar has announced that there will be no Sugar 7 CE. What does that imply for Suite CRMs future?

We will continue to develop and support Suite well into to the future. have you no read our road map?

Thanks for the fast reply and for pointing out that there is a roadmap (which looks impressive). We’ve been introducing SugarCRM CE 6.15. in our company in january this year, and I was quite disappointed when I heard that Sugar will stop its CE development. I was just wondering what you’re plans are with SuiteCRM, i.e. if you plan to develop the SuiteCRM product core yourself since there will be no further core from Sugar…

We will continue to support and enhance the product after Sugar stops its development but we aim to maintain compatibility with Sugar CE for a long as possible.

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