Diagnostic Tool Hangs at 0%

Pretty fresh install of 7.14.1 Diagnostic Tool page shows the list of diagnostic checks (no check boxes to select individual options), and executing diagnostic leaves it hanging at 0%. It does create a file, but it’s an empty file. I’ve reset permissions a few times, not sure what else to do with this.

I’m not a coder, but I can generally figure things out. Any help appreciated.

Diagnostic Tool Stuck

I’ve jut upgraded to 17.4.1 and have the same issue.
Rolled back to 17.13.1 and its the same

Anything in the logs? Or in the browser developer console?

Which PHP version is this?

Ahh… developer console shows

content.js:33 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Illegal argument undefined
at e.exports (content.js:33:95534)
at content.js:73:1543363
at p (content.js:73:185751)
at Generator._invoke (content.js:73:185504)
at Generator.next (content.js:73:186114)
at r (content.js:73:192157)
at s (content.js:73:192360)

Log file shows the three entries below.

PHP Warning: opendir(cache/diagnostic/3a603e73-825e-ced3-46b9-654420cdd58f/diagnostic20231102-222052/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/SuiteCRM/modules/Administration/DiagnosticRun.php on line 254, referer:

PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for cache/diagnostic/3a603e73-825e-ced3-46b9-654420cdd58f/diagnostic20231102-222052.zip in /var/www/html/SuiteCRM/modules/Administration/DiagnosticDownload.php on line 61, referer:

PHP Warning: readfile(cache/diagnostic/3a603e73-825e-ced3-46b9-654420cdd58f/diagnostic20231102-222052.zip): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/SuiteCRM/modules/Administration/DiagnosticDownload.php on line 71, referer:

The parent folder is being created in the cache/Diagnostic folder, but the subfolder isnt for some reason

php 7.4 - i think - i have other versions installed but and was trying to determine which suitecrm was using from the diagnostic tool :crazy_face:

just set apache to 8.2 and no difference

Same. It hangs at 0%. Version is 7.14.1. PHP is 8.1. In suitecrm.log:

Fri Nov  3 00:37:34 2023 [118][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /bitnami/suitecrm/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:397
Fri Nov  3 00:37:34 2023 [118][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: opendir(cache/diagnostic/d825a09c-7f38-5abb-8564-65444008b0ee/diagnostic20231103-003734/): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory
# ls cache/diagnostic/d825a09c-7f38-5abb-8564-65444008b0ee/ -la
total 8
drwxrws--- 2 daemon daemon 4096 Nov  3 00:37 .
drwxrws--- 7 daemon daemon 4096 Nov  3 00:37 ..

The directory cache/diagnostic/d825a09c-7f38-5abb-8564-65444008b0ee/diagnostic20231103-003734/ is somehow missing.

@KTaube @Bungle @chris001

You can set permissions to the Suitecrm folder again and delete folder Diagnostic from cache.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload
sudo chmod 775 config_override.php 2>/dev/null

Also, run Quick Repair and Rebuild once and try.

Another solution is as below.

I hope this will work.

thank you
no luck though :frowning:
the parent folder is created again, but no subfolder

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Same problem here, been having this for some time. I tried the above but no luck.

I’m running
SuiteCRM v7.14.2
MariaDB 10.6.16
PHP: 8.1

As above it just seems to create an empty folder within cache

update: when I go to diagnostics normally I see no checkboxes and it won’t go past 0%, but when I do so with the developer console open in Chrome it then shows the checkboxes and runs normally going to 100% and producing the diagnostics files without error.
Is this normal behaviour?

Definitely, it is not normal.

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bump… having same issues on 8.6.1 … any one fixed this yet?

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Did you try this?

I tried those permission command and it didnt work.

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Same for me, SuiteCRM 8.6.1, commands didn’t help, diagnostics subfolder exists and full of 0-size empty dirs

I’m experiencing the same.

I’m experiencing the same on 8-7-0-beta

Can you please try the following:

  1. First run the tool with first three options selected
  2. If this runs successfully, Select all the options and try.

There is some error related to a missing table in my database tables installation for which I am figuring out to fix. Thanks

Did not work. I checked the Diagnostic directory and two years ago I had data from the diagnostic reports. Since then all the files are empty.

Diagnostics are supposed to be a core part of improving the application. There was something in the Suitecrm discussion about checking for bugs introduced when changes are made. I don’t think there is any error checking for bugs introduced with new revisions–testing by users and feedback. This was working and has now degraded from some versions ago. Do these functions get tested automatically or was that abandonned?

I would bet that your PHP zip module is not active, and the Diagnostic tool can’t zip the files.

Have you looked in php_errors.log for any clues?