Developing a Vertical Themed Version of SuiteCRM


I am considering developing an “industry-vertical” with SuiteCRM - and I get completely the whole open source implication of basing that on SuiteCRM - i.e. the open nature and offering of the source code. This solution would be offered via public-facing website - so opens up the need to “feed” back to community,

Therefore my question relates to “forking” and feeding back to the community.

This development would not be working in the code to do bug fixing or function enhancement in a general way - it would be to configure it to vertical requirements - terminology, styling, workflow, outputs etc. etc. This would go across a number of areas - studio changes, style sheet changes as well as php changes.

My query is then how to interact with yourselves on that basis. I presume that form of development needs to be made available - but does it go back to github to do that as a different branch - does it “fork” to differing version - appreciate that means no update path.

Presumably it makes more sense to go with a “fork” approach as it will be taking the product in a different direction - i.e. not generalised.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Brendan Greene

Yes. If you’re contributing back to the project in any way you would follow the ‘fork and pull’ method. GitHub has documentation on this method if you search on their site/docs.

