Developer needed : Capture many Quote line items

Hello all

I need some sort of capability to capture (input) up to a hundred or so line-items on a Quote.
I’m familiar with the import capability, but I need something a bit more idiot-proof.
I’m thinking along the lines of a cross-tab or matrix so users can copy and paste from a spreadsheet.
This form must be related to a specific Quote so that only the line-items need to be captured, not any detail regarding the Quote itself.

How should I go about doing this? Anyone keen on doing this for a fee?

The list of many line items to include, is it fixed?

Would it be ok to just pick from a set of pre-ordained line items?

For example, you would type “group1” into the quote and it would expand to a hundred line items that you had previously defined as “group1”. would this be enough for your requirement?

Hello @pgr

Thanks so much for responding.

Sure, I should have given much more pertinent detail :slight_smile:

The company sells complete tailor made solutions, such as Audio Visual Conferencing combined with all the networking and routers, installation, software licencing, etc. Calculating these huge quotations is done in Excel, with many years of know-how encapsulated in formulas. They have used the CSV import functionality but it’s proven to be too error prone and not to the liking of the sales people. They now have many more steps to prepare the spreadsheet for CSV import, and then the import itself. Negativity has to be guarded against at all cost. I have to make it as easy as possible to transfer the spreadsheet rows into SuiteCRM as Line-Items.

  1. Some of the components are custom built and hence do not necessarily have a product number, other aspects are very much more of a service rather than a product and hence also do not have a product or service number. Consequently the company only carries a handful of generic product names/numbers, not categories, such as AV, Cabling, Networking Hardware, etc. For them it is sufficient to overwrite the description, cost, price, etc of any one such product every time it is used in a line-item. Each row in Excel references the Product Name/Number, along with the associated description, cost, price, discount, and tax. To clarify, the same product number will definitely appear on multiple rows, but for each such row the description, cost, price, etc will differ.

  2. The CSV import necessitated carrying a Product ID, Parent ID (which is the Quote ID) and a group_id, among many other fields to ensure the imported line items are properly related the correct Quote and Product. I’m hoping to avoid all of this “clutter” by relating the input matrix to the Quote, ie the matrix appears as a custom form on the specific Quote’s edit view, etc.

I hope this is sufficient for now?
Thanks for your assistance

That makes things clearer, yes. Also remember to state your SuiteCRM version and stack.

I don’t have time now to take up this challenge, I am hoping other developers here will. Good luck :+1:

Thanks @pgr

What is the policy on this forum regarding soliciting developer assistance?
If it’s okay to do so, do I simply create a new post with an attention catching title and link it to this post?

I think it’s ok to ask.

Maybe you can simply edit the topic title to something like Developer needed: capture many Quote line items