Desktop notification not working in SuiteCRM8.6

On creating a desktop notification and reloading the page. Getting error as below

Error occured while retrieving records

Hello Jose,

there are quite a few threads here in the forums about this issue:
and a couple of solutions / approaches to solutions.

That might be obvious but Iā€™d still like to confirm:

  • The user you login with, seems to be the admin user and should have permissions to the alert module in the user roles?

You can check for

Thanks for your response

Checked everything and found that url_redirect for Alerts records was wrong.Due to which getting the error on retrieval

how did you correct it?

I was giving url_redirect as http://suitecrm86.localhost/#/contacts/record/70b8d58e-0277-f937-0094-667cc53d5798

but it was giving error then I changed the URL as

Then it started working

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