Dependent FIeld

I search for dependent field solution on suite crm.
I found this :

but it seems to be only sugarcrm pro solution, Is it possible to do in suite CRM,
My need is to hide or show field when some dorpdown values are selected

(sorry for my english…)


No one can help me?

I try this js code put in /theme/SuiteP/js/style.js

$(’#type_de_contrat_c’).on(‘change’, function() {
if ($("#type_de_contrat_c").val() == “véhicule” {

The style.js script is load in all page but not my code (see with navigator) :slight_smile:

any help is welcome :slight_smile:

Ok I found a solution.

$(’#type_de_contrat_c’).on(‘change’, function() {
if ($("#type_de_contrat_c").val() == “1”){

some code error, now it’s working

Hi Phii,

I used your solution with my code in themes/SuiteP/js/style.js, but it dose not work, please help me

$('#type_c').on('change', function() {
if ($("#type_c").val() == "Deposition"){