To give permissions to you SuiteCRM 8, you will have to go to the console of the server where the domain is hosted and access the folder where the CRM files are. Then execute this commads:
find . -type d -not -perm 2775 -exec chmod 2775 {} ;
find . -type f -not -perm 0664 -exec chmod 0664 {} ;
find . ! -user <apache_user> -exec chown <apache_user>:<apache_group>{} ;
chmod +x bin/console
Hi @ActivalinkS.L,
Welcome to the community! 
Are you having issues with the setting of permission for SuiteCRM 8? If so could you provide more information as to your errors or issues encountered?
Hi @Mac-Rae , could you help me? I am having an issue too when upgrading the SuiteCRM from 7.12.8 to 8.2.3, the Dashboard/Dashlet layout is broken. Check below Result

how do you resolve this, i’m also getting same things, dashboard not looks good after installation