πŸš€ DaVueTheme 1.0.1-beta release. Reactive theme for SuiteCRM is now available to download!

Hi! @doappteam

Thank you for considering an update for the DaVueTheme to eliminate the Apache mode_rewrite and .htaccess dependencies. I appreciate the effort from your team!

I encountered a similar issue as reported by @quicktin. After installing the theme on SuiteCRM 7.14. After activating it for a user, I was redirected to β€œ/suitecrm/app/?module=Home&action=index,” resulting in a page not found error. Do you have updated version of your theme to resolve this issue?

My second question, will you will be working on a version of the theme compatible with SuiteCRM 8.6 as well? If you could send me the test distribution, I’d be happy to help with the testing on my instance!

I was able to identify and resolve the issue. Initially, I set up SuiteCRM in a subfolder of the web root directory (e.g., http://localhost/suitecrm). However, when I accessed it, I was redirected to β€œhttp://localhost/suitecrm/app/?module=Home&action=index” which resulted in a β€œPage Not Found” error.

After configuring a domain name to point to the SuiteCRM folder, the issue was resolved, and I successfully connected to SuiteCRM with the DaVue theme installed. The current URL is now β€œhttp://suitecrm7.local/app/?module=Home&action=index”

Now, I am encountering a new issue. When I log into the CRM, I can see the menus and sidebar, but the main page is blank. My browser console shows a type error, as indicated in the screenshot.

I would appreciate it if someone could help me understand what the issue is and how to fix it.

Hi, Tom.S!
Sorry for the delay - we are currently preparing a big update of β€˜doAppTheme’ and I apparently missed the notification.

  1. A version for SuiteCRM 8 is planned, but later.

  2. Regarding your mistake, we would really like to understand its causes (especially considering the upcoming release).
    If it’s not difficult, please send in private messages:

  • config.php
  • config_override.php
  • your Apache server settings files
  • virtual host settings files

We will try to reproduce the case and make a fix for it.

P.S. Just in case, before sending all this, check the access settings (Roles and Groups) of the User under whom you are trying to use the theme.