Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details. - Currency change


I successfully upgraded my SuiteCRM to SuiteCRM-8.6.1.

I attempted to change the curreny settings from $ to ÂŁ as there is no way to deactivate the $. I created a new Currency, but on save it produced an error message - e SuiteCRM and it produced an error message -

Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.

Plus, even though I enabled the Collapsable Sub Panel it is not showing on the left.

Thanks for your help

Hello Ken,

as for changing $ to another currency, it works - but there are a few things to think about.
Better to add another currency, like you did it.
Check out this video for details:

Your configuration the conversion rate looks a bit odd.
Can you try to set a conversion rate of 1 - just for testing?
In the DB it’s a double data type and should be able to hold it, but still - just to rule out this suspect.

And then, SuiteCRM asked you to check the logfile.
What does it say?
You might find an easy solution there.

As for the subpanel, do you have a screenshot of your configuration and the issue?

Hi Bastian,

Thank you for your reply and help.

I tried again to add a new curreny under Locale settings, but it still shows a dbase error on save.

Please see my shared video link explaining.


Hello Ken,


I add a new one under Admin - Currencies:

My DB table then looks like:

Maybe take a backup of the table and try to delete one of your records? The one with 0.00…1 conversion rate.
Whereas, that’s just guesswork - the suitecrm.log will tell you details.

So far, I haven’t touched the SuiteCRM - Admin - Locale settings for this.

Here is a screenshot of my Locale settings page, in case you want to try to copy the settings to your system for testing. These are saving for me without issues.

I suspect, that your error will manifest in the suitecrm.log file and hint to some more details.

The error logs:

Check in the file manager under:
and the

If you find FATAL, you’ll have to investigate those first (one by one, usually starting with the first)
The CRM will stop executing / rendering or will show issues when it throws a FATAL error.


A subpanel is a panel underneath a record, showing related records.
(One Account and the subpanel is e. g. the Contacts)

The hint will display the number of related records, when collapsed.
That is a setting which pertains to SuiteCRM 7 only, since in 8, they’re showing by default.
Here is the Suite 7 screenshot with hints enabled:

Unfortunately, in SuiteCRM 8 there are still quite a few setting options which only make sense in SuiteCRM 7 (since 8 is partly “just” a headless UI on top of the advanced backend, which has still big parts of 7 working under the hood).

The sidebar

That’s a theme thing and this got dropped in 8.
You’ve got the links now in the top bar mostly.

(And by the way, there are login credentials in clear text visible in your video. Probably best to remove it)