Database Failure: New Install

I am trying to do a fresh install of version of 7.11.18. This is a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VPS. I am using Virtualmin.

I get the Database failure message after the install. I have no idea why. From what I can see, all of the tables are there in the database. There is my install.log

2021-02-24 01:45:51…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 01:45:51…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 01:45:58…Begin System Check Process *************
2021-02-24 01:45:58…XML Parsing Support Found
2021-02-24 01:45:58…JSON Parsing Support Found
2021-02-24 01:45:58…MBString Support Found
2021-02-24 01:45:58…ZIP Support Found
2021-02-24 01:45:58…/custom directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 01:45:58…cache directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 01:45:58…/module directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 01:45:58…/upload directory check passed
2021-02-24 01:45:58…/zip check passed
2021-02-24 01:45:58…PCRE version check passed
2021-02-24 01:45:58…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 01:45:58…php.ini location found. /home/crm2cr/etc/php7.2/php.ini
2021-02-24 01:45:58…Outputting HTML for System check
2021-02-24 01:45:58…No Errors were found *************
2021-02-24 01:45:59…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 01:46:28…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:50:44…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:50:44…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:51:08…Begin System Check Process *************
2021-02-24 06:51:08…XML Parsing Support Found
2021-02-24 06:51:08…JSON Parsing Support Found
2021-02-24 06:51:08…MBString Support Found
2021-02-24 06:51:08…ZIP Support Found
2021-02-24 06:51:08…/custom directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 06:51:08…cache directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 06:51:08…/module directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 06:51:08…/upload directory check passed
2021-02-24 06:51:08…/zip check passed
2021-02-24 06:51:08…PCRE version check passed
2021-02-24 06:51:08…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:51:08…php.ini location found. /home/crm2cr/etc/php7.2/php.ini
2021-02-24 06:51:08…Outputting HTML for System check
2021-02-24 06:51:08…No Errors were found *************
2021-02-24 06:51:09…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:57:42…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:57:43…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:57:45…Begin System Check Process *************
2021-02-24 06:57:45…XML Parsing Support Found
2021-02-24 06:57:45…JSON Parsing Support Found
2021-02-24 06:57:45…MBString Support Found
2021-02-24 06:57:45…ZIP Support Found
2021-02-24 06:57:45…/custom directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 06:57:45…cache directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 06:57:45…/module directory and subdirectory check passed
2021-02-24 06:57:45…/upload directory check passed
2021-02-24 06:57:45…/zip check passed
2021-02-24 06:57:45…PCRE version check passed
2021-02-24 06:57:45…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:57:45…php.ini location found. /home/crm2cr/etc/php7.2/php.ini
2021-02-24 06:57:45…Outputting HTML for System check
2021-02-24 06:57:45…No Errors were found *************
2021-02-24 06:57:45…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:57:48…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 06:58:54…Begin DB Check Process *************
2021-02-24 06:58:54…testing with mysql:mysqli
2021-02-24 06:58:54…Basic form info is valid, continuing Process.
2021-02-24 06:58:54…Testing user account…
2021-02-24 06:58:54…ERROR:: The provided database host, username, and/or password is invalid, and a connection to the database could not be established. Please enter a valid host, username and password
2021-02-24 06:58:54…FATAL:: errors have been detected! User will not be allowed to continue. Errors are as follow:
2021-02-24 06:58:54… The provided database host, username, and/or password is invalid, and a connection to the database could not be established. Please enter a valid host, username and password
2021-02-24 06:58:54…End DB Check Process *************
2021-02-24 07:00:09…Begin DB Check Process *************
2021-02-24 07:00:09…testing with mysql:mysqli
2021-02-24 07:00:09…Basic form info is valid, continuing Process.
2021-02-24 07:00:09…Testing user account…
2021-02-24 07:00:09…Connection made using host: localhost, usr: crm2cr
2021-02-24 07:00:09…SUCCESS:: no errors detected!
2021-02-24 07:00:09…End DB Check Process *************
2021-02-24 07:00:09…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute
2021-02-24 07:00:09…calling handleSugarConfig()
2021-02-24 07:00:09…calling handleHtaccess()
2021-02-24 07:00:09…calling handleDbCreateDatabase()
2021-02-24 07:00:10…looping through all the Beans and create their tables
2021-02-24 07:00:10…processing table acl_actions
2021-02-24 07:00:10…creating table acl_actions
2021-02-24 07:00:10…creating Relationship Meta for ACLAction
2021-02-24 07:00:10…processing table acl_roles
2021-02-24 07:00:10…creating table acl_roles
2021-02-24 07:00:10…creating Relationship Meta for ACLRole
2021-02-24 07:00:10…processing table relationships
2021-02-24 07:00:11…creating table relationships
2021-02-24 07:00:11…creating Relationship Meta for Relationship
2021-02-24 07:00:11…processing table leads
2021-02-24 07:00:13…creating table leads
2021-02-24 07:00:13…creating Relationship Meta for Lead
2021-02-24 07:00:13…processing table cases
2021-02-24 07:00:14…creating table cases
2021-02-24 07:00:14…creating Relationship Meta for Case
2021-02-24 07:00:15…processing table bugs
2021-02-24 07:00:16…creating table bugs
2021-02-24 07:00:16…creating Relationship Meta for Bug
2021-02-24 07:00:16…processing table users
2021-02-24 07:00:17…creating table users
2021-02-24 07:00:17…creating Relationship Meta for User
2021-02-24 07:00:17…processing table campaign_log
2021-02-24 07:00:17…creating table campaign_log
2021-02-24 07:00:17…creating Relationship Meta for CampaignLog
2021-02-24 07:00:17…processing table project
2021-02-24 07:00:18…creating table project
2021-02-24 07:00:18…creating Relationship Meta for Project
2021-02-24 07:00:18…processing table project_task
2021-02-24 07:00:19…creating table project_task
2021-02-24 07:00:19…creating Relationship Meta for ProjectTask
2021-02-24 07:00:19…processing table campaigns
2021-02-24 07:00:20…creating table campaigns
2021-02-24 07:00:20…creating Relationship Meta for Campaign
2021-02-24 07:00:21…processing table prospect_lists
2021-02-24 07:00:21…creating table prospect_lists
2021-02-24 07:00:21…creating Relationship Meta for ProspectList
2021-02-24 07:00:21…processing table prospects
2021-02-24 07:00:22…creating table prospects
2021-02-24 07:00:22…creating Relationship Meta for Prospect
2021-02-24 07:00:23…processing table email_marketing
2021-02-24 07:00:23…creating table email_marketing
2021-02-24 07:00:23…creating Relationship Meta for EmailMarketing
2021-02-24 07:00:23…processing table campaign_trkrs
2021-02-24 07:00:24…creating table campaign_trkrs
2021-02-24 07:00:24…creating Relationship Meta for CampaignTracker
2021-02-24 07:00:24…processing table releases
2021-02-24 07:00:24…creating table releases
2021-02-24 07:00:24…creating Relationship Meta for Release
2021-02-24 07:00:24…processing table emailman
2021-02-24 07:00:24…creating table emailman
2021-02-24 07:00:24…creating Relationship Meta for EmailMan
2021-02-24 07:00:24…processing table schedulers
2021-02-24 07:00:25…creating table schedulers
2021-02-24 07:00:25…creating Relationship Meta for Scheduler
2021-02-24 07:00:25…processing table job_queue
2021-02-24 07:00:25…creating table job_queue
2021-02-24 07:00:25…creating Relationship Meta for SchedulersJob
2021-02-24 07:00:26…processing table contacts
2021-02-24 07:00:27…creating table contacts
2021-02-24 07:00:27…creating Relationship Meta for Contact
2021-02-24 07:00:28…processing table accounts
2021-02-24 07:00:29…creating table accounts
2021-02-24 07:00:29…creating Relationship Meta for Account
2021-02-24 07:00:29…processing table opportunities
2021-02-24 07:00:30…creating table opportunities
2021-02-24 07:00:30…creating Relationship Meta for Opportunity
2021-02-24 07:00:31…processing table email_templates
2021-02-24 07:00:31…creating table email_templates
2021-02-24 07:00:31…creating Relationship Meta for EmailTemplate
2021-02-24 07:00:31…processing table notes
2021-02-24 07:00:32…creating table notes
2021-02-24 07:00:32…creating Relationship Meta for Note
2021-02-24 07:00:32…processing table calls
2021-02-24 07:00:33…creating table calls
2021-02-24 07:00:33…creating Relationship Meta for Call
2021-02-24 07:00:33…processing table emails
2021-02-24 07:00:34…creating table emails
2021-02-24 07:00:34…creating Relationship Meta for Email
2021-02-24 07:00:34…processing table meetings
2021-02-24 07:00:35…creating table meetings
2021-02-24 07:00:35…creating Relationship Meta for Meeting
2021-02-24 07:00:35…processing table tasks
2021-02-24 07:00:36…creating table tasks
2021-02-24 07:00:36…creating Relationship Meta for Task
2021-02-24 07:00:36…processing table users
2021-02-24 07:00:36…processing table users
2021-02-24 07:00:36…processing table currencies
2021-02-24 07:00:37…creating table currencies
2021-02-24 07:00:37…creating Relationship Meta for Currency
2021-02-24 07:00:37…processing table tracker
2021-02-24 07:00:38…creating table tracker
2021-02-24 07:00:38…creating Relationship Meta for Tracker
2021-02-24 07:00:38…processing table import_maps
2021-02-24 07:00:38…creating table import_maps
2021-02-24 07:00:38…creating Relationship Meta for ImportMap
2021-02-24 07:00:38…processing table users_last_import
2021-02-24 07:00:38…creating table users_last_import
2021-02-24 07:00:38…creating Relationship Meta for UsersLastImport
2021-02-24 07:00:38…processing table config
2021-02-24 07:00:39…creating table config
2021-02-24 07:00:39…creating Relationship Meta for Administration
2021-02-24 07:00:39…processing table upgrade_history
2021-02-24 07:00:39…creating table upgrade_history
2021-02-24 07:00:39…creating Relationship Meta for UpgradeHistory
2021-02-24 07:00:39…processing table vcals
2021-02-24 07:00:39…creating table vcals
2021-02-24 07:00:39…creating Relationship Meta for vCal
2021-02-24 07:00:39…processing table alerts
2021-02-24 07:00:40…creating table alerts
2021-02-24 07:00:40…creating Relationship Meta for Alert
2021-02-24 07:00:40…processing table roles
2021-02-24 07:00:40…creating table roles
2021-02-24 07:00:40…creating Relationship Meta for Role
2021-02-24 07:00:40…processing table documents
2021-02-24 07:00:41…creating table documents
2021-02-24 07:00:41…creating Relationship Meta for Document
2021-02-24 07:00:41…processing table document_revisions
2021-02-24 07:00:41…creating table document_revisions
2021-02-24 07:00:41…creating Relationship Meta for DocumentRevision
2021-02-24 07:00:41…processing table fields_meta_data
2021-02-24 07:00:42…creating table fields_meta_data
2021-02-24 07:00:42…creating Relationship Meta for FieldsMetaData
2021-02-24 07:00:42…processing table
2021-02-24 07:00:42…processing table inbound_email
2021-02-24 07:00:42…creating table inbound_email
2021-02-24 07:00:42…creating Relationship Meta for InboundEmail
2021-02-24 07:00:42…processing table saved_search
2021-02-24 07:00:43…creating table saved_search
2021-02-24 07:00:43…creating Relationship Meta for SavedSearch
2021-02-24 07:00:43…processing table user_preferences
2021-02-24 07:00:43…creating table user_preferences
2021-02-24 07:00:43…creating Relationship Meta for UserPreference
2021-02-24 07:00:43…processing table
2021-02-24 07:00:43…processing table email_addresses
2021-02-24 07:00:44…creating table email_addresses
2021-02-24 07:00:44…creating Relationship Meta for EmailAddress
2021-02-24 07:00:44…processing table emails_text
2021-02-24 07:00:44…creating table emails_text
2021-02-24 07:00:44…creating Relationship Meta for EmailText
2021-02-24 07:00:44…processing table spots
2021-02-24 07:00:45…creating table spots
2021-02-24 07:00:45…creating Relationship Meta for Spots
2021-02-24 07:00:45…processing table aobh_businesshours
2021-02-24 07:00:45…creating table aobh_businesshours
2021-02-24 07:00:45…creating Relationship Meta for AOBH_BusinessHours
2021-02-24 07:00:45…processing table sugarfeed
2021-02-24 07:00:46…creating table sugarfeed
2021-02-24 07:00:46…creating Relationship Meta for SugarFeed
2021-02-24 07:00:46…processing table eapm
2021-02-24 07:00:47…creating table eapm
2021-02-24 07:00:47…creating Relationship Meta for EAPM
2021-02-24 07:00:47…processing table oauth_consumer
2021-02-24 07:00:47…creating table oauth_consumer
2021-02-24 07:00:47…creating Relationship Meta for OAuthKey
2021-02-24 07:00:47…processing table oauth_tokens
2021-02-24 07:00:48…creating table oauth_tokens
2021-02-24 07:00:48…creating Relationship Meta for OAuthToken
2021-02-24 07:00:48…processing table am_projecttemplates
2021-02-24 07:00:49…creating table am_projecttemplates
2021-02-24 07:00:49…creating Relationship Meta for AM_ProjectTemplates
2021-02-24 07:00:49…processing table am_tasktemplates
2021-02-24 07:00:50…creating table am_tasktemplates
2021-02-24 07:00:50…creating Relationship Meta for AM_TaskTemplates
2021-02-24 07:00:50…processing table favorites
2021-02-24 07:00:50…creating table favorites
2021-02-24 07:00:50…creating Relationship Meta for Favorites
2021-02-24 07:00:50…processing table aok_knowledge_base_categories
2021-02-24 07:00:51…creating table aok_knowledge_base_categories
2021-02-24 07:00:51…creating Relationship Meta for AOK_Knowledge_Base_Categories
2021-02-24 07:00:51…processing table aok_knowledgebase
2021-02-24 07:00:52…creating table aok_knowledgebase
2021-02-24 07:00:52…creating Relationship Meta for AOK_KnowledgeBase
2021-02-24 07:00:52…processing table reminders
2021-02-24 07:00:53…creating table reminders
2021-02-24 07:00:53…creating Relationship Meta for Reminder
2021-02-24 07:00:53…processing table reminders_invitees
2021-02-24 07:00:54…creating table reminders_invitees
2021-02-24 07:00:54…creating Relationship Meta for Reminder_Invitee
2021-02-24 07:00:54…processing table fp_events
2021-02-24 07:00:55…creating table fp_events
2021-02-24 07:00:55…creating Relationship Meta for FP_events
2021-02-24 07:00:55…processing table fp_event_locations
2021-02-24 07:00:56…creating table fp_event_locations
2021-02-24 07:00:56…creating Relationship Meta for FP_Event_Locations
2021-02-24 07:00:56…processing table aod_indexevent
2021-02-24 07:00:57…creating table aod_indexevent
2021-02-24 07:00:57…creating Relationship Meta for AOD_IndexEvent
2021-02-24 07:00:57…processing table aod_index

And my suitecrm.log

Wed Feb 24 08:14:01 2021 [18347][-none-][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array
Wed Feb 24 08:17:10 2021 [21144][-none-][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Wed Feb 24 08:17:10 2021 [21144][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM outbound_email WHERE type = ‘system’ AND deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table ‘crm2crsuitecrm.outbound_email’ doesn’t exist
Wed Feb 24 08:17:10 2021 [21144][-none-][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Wed Feb 24 08:17:10 2021 [21144][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: INSERT INTO outbound_email (id,name,type,user_id,mail_sendtype,mail_smtptype,mail_smtpserver,mail_smtpport,mail_smtpuser,mail_smtppass,mail_smtpauth_req,mail_smtpssl) VALUES (‘ecf736f9-dd27-1237-0ec5-60360b448a62’,‘system’,‘system’,‘1’,‘SMTP’,‘other’,’’,25,’’,’’,1,0): MySQL error 1146: Table ‘crm2crsuitecrm.outbound_email’ doesn’t exist

Check that your MySQL and PHP versions fit the Matrix:

Yepp MySQL 5.7 and PHP 7.2

The error is “invalid user and password”, so check that, and if it is correct (if you can use those credentials to login to mysql from the command-line), then suspect that SuiteCRM is stripping some peculiar character from your password and changing it. Try a really simple password.

The database permissions are definitely correct. I can log in with PHPMyadmin with the credentials that are in config.php and add/change tables if I need to.

How would the installer add those tables to begin with if the credentials were wrong?

Maybe the log messages are from a different time. When looking at logs it’s always important to pay attention to timestamps and see what matches the UI actions…

This was my case also until found solution after many many problems trying to solve it with different perspective .
I was using this command line in Linux to change version of PHP
sudo update-alternatives --config php

And after two days I tried to sure that PHP version is changed
go to {root_folder}/index.php ,try to print php version before redirect or at the beginning of code and then exit using


Then, I figure that php version is not changing you can use another command to change it .
for example you want to change From PHP 5.6 => PHP 7.1

$ sudo a2dismod php5.6
$ sudo a2enmod php7.1
$ sudo service apache2 restart

after that come again to print version to be sure that it changed.
Actually I was trying many solutions of @pgr in many questions xD :rofl:
Hope it help ! .

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