Database failure error please see scuitecrm log for details

Please help me anyone i installed almost 5 times suitecrm but every time i do some customisation and then suddenly i lost all my changes and suitecrm stops working. I login and whta i can see only header and sidebar nothing else. Please help me please.

Hi there,

Can you please confirm the following;

After the initial installation are you able to successfully use SuiteCRM? (Pages load, functions work, etc)
Where and what type of customizations are you making? (Direct Code? if so where? or via Studio?)
Have you ran, composer install and ensured that your permission are at an appropriate level?

Could you also provide information about your hosting environment? (OS & version, Hosting application & version, etc)

The more information you can provide the easier it is for us to help,
Thanks +1

Yes sir initially when i install the new system everything is working fine. But when i do some customisation via studio then suddenly what happens application won’t work anymore and shows error. (Database failure error refer to suitecrm.log for details).
Environment : Firstly i was using windows 7 but now i shifted to Ubuntu but after one week but i got the same error. I have to develop one big application but i am very depressed now . Please help me

I am sending you the web page how exaclty it looks like.

Have you ran, composer install and ensured that your permission are at an appropriate level?
I have not done this part why we need it please tell .

Thanks for getting back to me!

On the command line please ensure you have run the command

composer install

from the installation directory of your SuiteCRM Instance. Afterwards, ensure that file permissions is set to an appropriate level; (Taken from the SuiteCRM Documentation site)

Let me know if this makes any difference :slight_smile:

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Thanks to you for understanding my problem . I will try and let you know very soon.

Hello sir i am using Xampp package and my folder is inside htdocs so in that case what will be in case of www-data:www-data. Please tell

Please can you help me in this scenario. I am creating a document and i want that document to be listed inside particular contact Document sub panel i.e if i create a document then that document should belong to particular contact and particular task. is this possible ?

If i’m correct in saying Xampp uses apache2 then it should be www-data:www-data

Ill get back to you regarding your second question soon