Database connection error


I have been trying to deploy and use SuiteCRM v8 for 4-5 days due to some technical difficulties.

I managed to overcome most of the issue but now I am having troubles with database connection.
My database is on Mariadb 10.3.

I have created the database according to installation guide and give privileges to the ‘suitecrm’ user.
However, on configuration page, I have the following issue.

It would be great if you guys assist me on how to solve and deploy this… Thanks

Finally, solved the issue.

On digitalocean LAMP stack, mysql is pre-installed. However, I wanted to use mariadb. To install the mariadb, first all instances of mysql has to be removed.

After installing the mariadb-server, I forgot to install php8.0-mysql.

After running the below command, everything is working smoothly now.

sudo apt-get install php8.0-mysql

Any ideas how to fix on red hat linux 8?

There’s a good guide for Fedora, if that helps…