Data base is very heavy 50GBs.

Upon investigating more I see we have table “cases_audit.ibd” 28GB of size, mob_activity.ibd 16GB of size.

Can someone please help how to resolve this issue. The diskspace is almost 90% now and in 1 days or so we will be 100%.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Thank you

Disk space is not issue, either you need to raise your disk space or remove data from few tables like tracker etc.

Thanks for the reply but Tracker is only 6MB in size, the problem is Cases_Audit which is 28GB and Mob_Activity which is 15GB.

Database can not be that much heavy

“cases audit” is tracking the fields you tell it to track, in Studio / Cases / Fields, check the property Audit on each one.

Or maybe it’s easier to just to a Cases detail view (any one) and select from the action menu “View change log”

This will surely give you some clues about how it is piling up (probably useless) information.

If you don’t care about that information in Audit, I think you can just delete the rows from the table. However, you are the sole responsible for your data and I advise to have full backups and run this in a test environment first, so you can evaluate your decision to delete or not.