Dashlet Changes in Studio not saving

Hello all,

I was having some challenges with changes to Dashlets not saving in version 7.2 so I upgraded to version 7.3 and am still having the same issue. I have verified file system permissions as per several other posts regarding this type of issue but it persists.

Our hosting environment runs suexec for Apache and so I have set permissions accordingly and based on the installation/upgrade guide here:

What is more bizarre is that I see files being written to store the change I am making in Studio on the Dashlet but the Dashlet change itself doesn’t seem to hold. Basically I drag a field from the right to left in Studio but when I hit “Save & Deploy” and the page posts the save it reloads and my field is back over on the right as though it had not been pulled over to the left at all.

I’m not sure how to go about debugging this at this point and am wondering if others are experiencing this sort of thing.

Any ideas, advice, insight would be greatly appreciated.


Unfortunately Studio has a few issues. We are logging these as we find them and are working through them for future bugfix Releases.

If possible, you could try upgrading to the 7.3.1 release and see if your issue is resolved?

Thanks, John

sadly the upgrade to 7.3.1 did not resolve the issue. I am still unable to save and deploy changes via Studio to Dashlets :frowning:


I tested this again on another Version of SuiteCRM and, very occasionally, the changes will revert after clicking save&Deploy.
However, if I simply repeat the Change and Save&Deploy a second time then it succeeds and works as expected.

Does this work for you?

Regards, John

sadly no…always reverts back…