Dashboard Diagrams: Add new filter for custom field

I’d like to add a custom field as filter to the standard Sales Pipeline diagram on the SuiteCRM Dashboard.

Can somebody give me some pointers?

I managed to do this for simple list Dashlets a while back via /custom/module/[Module name]/metadata/dashletviewdefs.php
But I see no such thing for module “opportunities”.

It seems the relevant code is under modules/Charts/Dashlets/PipelineBySalesStageDashlet.php. But I don’t know where to start to add a custom field as custom filter… would appreciate any help.

Some Steps to move forward

1: Open modules\Charts\Dashlets\MyPipelineBySalesStageDashlet\MyPipelineBySalesStageDashlet.php

Modify constructQuery function to put your Field in the Query

2: In displayOptions function, set DROPDOWN options for your field if it is a dropdown field else skip this step
3: Declare a new variable for your field in the beginning after this line public $mypbss_date_end;


public $your_field_name;

4: Open the file modules\Charts\Dashlets\MyPipelineBySalesStageDashlet\MyPipelineBySalesStageConfigure.tpl and put you field there after this TR

    <td valign='top' class='dataLabel' nowrap>{$LBL_SALES_STAGES}</td>
    <td valign='top' class='dataField'>
    	<select name="mypbss_sales_stages[]" multiple size='3'>

5: Define your search filed into modules\Charts\Dashlets\MyPipelineBySalesStageDashlet\MyPipelineBySalesStageDashlet.data.php


'custom_field_name' => array(
                'name'  => 'custom_field_name',
                'vname' => 'LBL_FIELD',
                'type'  => 'enum',

6: Repair and Rebuid the CRM and also try to clean cache

That’s it.

Thanks a lot