Customizing Search to Add Account to Target List


We need to create an exportable email list that contains only accounts which have an opportunity with a particular name assigned to them. We would also like to filter on different custom fields such as Contact type, etc.

When I go to add an account to a Target List the options to search for records to add is very limited, only containing customer name search, lead source etc. I thought about building a DB query to get the job done but I found it would become quite a complicated job to wrangle all of the relationships.

This seems like it would be quite a common request so I am hoping I am just missing something simple.

Thank for the help.

Oh and we’re on

Version 7.8.3
Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)

Depending how complicated the search, you can filter the Accounts from the accounts module and then select all > bulk actions > Add to target list

From your initial goal
“We need to create an exportable email list that contains only accounts which have an opportunity with a particular name assigned to them”

This could be done through AOR reporter

Add all the fields you need from the Accounts module / Opportunity Module

Set the condition to be based Opportunity Name (set parameter)

The report can be exported as .csv or pdf
The report can also be added to a target list (main module must = Account)

Hope this helps :slight_smile: