Customizing Search Results

When I do a Basic Search, the Accounts show Name, City, Billing Country, Phone, User, Email, and date.
Iā€™m trying to find where to add ā€œBilling Stateā€ before country.
When I go into Studio and edit
Accounts->Layout->Search->Basic Search it lists the Following Fields in the Default Column:
My Items
My Favorites
And changes to this like dragging Billing State form the Hidden Column do not affect the display.
No luck with SioteCRM Dashlet Search, either.

you want to search by Billing State or want to display the Billing State in the search result? because those two have different setups

For search you need to go to Admin->Studio->Accounts->Layouts->Serach->Basic Search or Advanced Search, drag the Billing State field from Available column and put it in the Default column then save and deploy, run a quick build & repair to make sure it shows updated

For listview (result of a search) you need to go to Admin->Studio->Accounts->Layouts->ListView, drag the Billing State field from Hidden Column and put it in Defauls column then save and deploy, run a quick build & repair to make sure it shows updated

best regards

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Thank you, That was helpful.
I was trying to put the state in the results.
I was trying to Modify the Layouts->Search->Basic Search.
It worked when i modified Accounts-> Layouts->Listview