Customizing Panel

Hi guys -

I created a iframe. I am trying to move the iframe over to the left more. It shows up this way as a panel or a tab.

Anyone now what can do to move this iframe?

hmm wrap it in a div and add css to float the div left???

I can certainly try that! thank you!

What theme is that you have in the screen shot?

It’s the Saleforce theme for Sugar.

That’s the one thing about Sugar that drives me crazy. It’s just not “pretty” The SuiteCRM theme is better than anything default for Sugar. But I really like the Salesforce theme.

Would love to see a theme based on Sugar 7. :slight_smile:

$199 :ohmy: I need to get into the suagr theme Business.

HA! I saw that when I was getting you the link. I don’t recall paying that much. I thought it was $99.00. But to me it was worth it. I justified it by going I am not spending money on per user licensing of SuiteCRM. It’s like $15.00 a month for the first year.