Customize search and global search with custom fields

Hello and thanks for anyone reading this.

My use with suitecrm is largely based on custom fields search as my database contains dozens of records that are in custom fields.
As importing csv files was designed with much attentions to details, for making sure that data is being imported correctly, I can’t get to those fields by using search or global search,
And there is now page inside the administrator area for me to configure this.
as it said on the main page of this platform, it is more robust then sugerrcrm, yet it seems the solution for this is mentioned in this forum by editing PHP files , which means I have to be a php wizard but I have zero PHP knowledge. Which means I am stuck.
I would appreciate two things that would happen:
A developer or two, will take it upon themselves to add a GUI page to configure which fields will be on the search result page, including whatever custom fields the user added,similar to the import csv wizard field connection , and also searching data that is inside the custom fields.
Alternatively I would like to have a step by step tutorial how to manually edit php files to add the “custom fields search and deploy”
Really I fail to understand why this area was practically neglected in the latest version, 7.4.3 since the need for custom search results was first introduced in the forum in 2011.(latest mentioned here but not clearly understandable for the novices
I understand that this is a contribute based project and nobody pays for anything, but I hope someone think that this is important enough subject to be address properly and with priority

if anyone can assess how many programing hours this would take i am willing to contribute humble fee for something to be shown on the next Beta release for the public

Thanks again