After we search for something using the global search feature, we have a link option to “Use Basic Search”. This basic search gives us a much simpler view of results that works nicely for our users. Unfortunately, it looks like after a user uses basic search once and then browses away, the next time they do a global search it relapses to using the advanced search view as the default. How can I set the global search to use the basic search by default?
In case that doesn’t make sense, currently when I type a search term in the global search box and submit, it currently submits my query to https://<my-suite-instance/index.php?action=UnifiedSearch&module=Home&search_form=false&advanced=false&query_string=
But I want the default search for this action to be: <my-suite-instance/index.php?action=UnifiedSearch&module=Home&search_fallback=1&query_string=
Any suggestions appreciated.
using suite 7.8.1 with suite R theme