Customization of quick create dropdown menu not working


I need to delete most of the quick create options ( keep only Contacts and Calls).
I have followed all previous tutorials:

  1. Copied:

  2. Deleted all lines for modules I don’t want to be quick created from top bar i.e

  • {$APP.LBL_QUICK_CREATE}{sugar_translate module="Accounts" label="LBL_MODULE_NAME"}
  • I did it for desktop, tablet and mobile.

    1. Quick repaired, refreshed 100 times, reseted the server

    And still nothing, I still get all options to be chosen in the top bar.
    Any idea why?

    Version 7.11.10

    Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

    This is probably fixed in the latest version, try upgrading.