Customising the Email window layout


I’ve been playing with how the email window is displayed and wanted to share my findings in case it helps others, or others can offer further ideas & improvements.

My thanks to jason-Unleashed for his initial workaround idea in this post

  1. Make the Email Settings window movable:

[td]line 3411[/td]
[td]line 3412[/td]
[td]draggable: true,[/td]

  1. Increase size of email window

2.1) Create a custom css file

Create the file (and directories as necessary):

Edit the file, and copy the following code in

/* Get pagination buttons to show */
#dt-pag-nav {
	position: absolute;
	top: -50px;
	right: 0px;
	height: 48px;
	background: initial;

.yui-layout-bd, .yui-layout-bd-noft, .yui-layout-bd-nohd{
	overflow: visible !important;

/* Expand email windows */, div.yui-layout-doc {
	height: 1922px !important;
} .yui-layout-unit-left, .yui-layout-unit-left>.yui-layout-wrap,>div>.yui-layout-unit-center,>div>.yui-layout-unit-center>.yui-layout-wrap, #emailtabs {
	height: 1900px !important;
} .yui-layout-unit-left>.yui-layout-wrap>.yui-layout-bd, #lefttabs {
	height: 1834px !important;
} #lefttabs .yui-content{
	height: 1789px !important;
} #mbfooter {
	top: 1900px !important;

.displayEmailValue button{
	font-size: 6px;
    padding: 0 5px 0 5px;
    line-height: 20px;
    height: 20px;

.pagination .button {
	font-size: 6px;
	padding: 0 5px 0 5px;
	line-height: 20px;
	height: 20px;

.pagination .button div, .pagination a .button div {
    background-position: center center;
	height: 20px;

2.2) Import that custom css file into your theme

themes//tpls/_head.tpl (I use SuiteP theme, so for me = SuiteP)
after line 80 [quote][/quote] add:



2.3) Adjust size of bottom pane to be more suitable to new window size

line 261

[td]change from [/td]
[td]SUGAR.email2.listViewLayout.getUnitByPosition(“bottom”).set(“height”, 250);[/td]
[td]SUGAR.email2.listViewLayout.getUnitByPosition(“bottom”).set(“height”, 1600);[/td]

2.4) Rebuild the cache file manually


Delete this file and run

from the Admin screen