Customer portal for a non cms website

hello, i looked on the forums for a free customer portal. all goes toward joomla integration, however in my case i dont use joomla, i just a a html website and i just want to add a menu to it with a suitecrm customer portal, i am looking for a FREE one. i would appreciate if you guys guide me on this. thanks so much.


Can you expand on your question it’s really not clear what the end goal is :slight_smile:

just looking to implement a customer portal for tickets and knowledge base articles. but i dont see this app has one anywhere. thanks

You have this:

It’s a separate, free, installation.

This is a plugin for Joomla CMS. I don’t think there is any stand alone portal yet.
Community should really think about a Wordpress Portal for CRM as more than 60% of the websites hosted are on WP. Basic web to lead integration for WP exists but a Portal would cover more businesses.

is this a joomla plugin? meaning i need to have a joomla site in order to use? or can i use it as Standalone? thanks

The installer brings an entire Joomla set-up with it, and you can put it on the same server as SuiteCRM. So it should be pretty straight-forward to use even if you don’t have a previous Joomla server.

But I warn you that the Portal functionality is a bit limited, and that project is not actively maintained. Anyway it’s still a great start, instead of starting from zero…

i just want a standalone, i know there are some apps on the suite store, however pricing is way too high.