Custom theme possible in 8.0 beta 2?


I currently have SuiteCRM 8 beta 2 up and running. All seems to be working just fine so far. I just can’t get my custom theme loaded which I’ve tried to place in /public/legacy/themes/mytheme. It’s basically just the suite8 theme with a different name in the themedef.php. Also tried to put it in /public/legacy/custom/themes/mytheme2.

Both of those themes show up in the admin, but after selecting either one and saving the Themes page is reloaded with the suite8 theme active again. Rebuilding / clearing caches / etc also doesn’t seem to work.

Is this something that is still not implemented? Or am I doing something wrong here? Thanks!

Hey there,

As far as I am aware, Custom themes aren’t officially supported in Suite8, as of yet.
So you might come across some issues here and there

However, if you do want to have a look into customizing the theme:

For information’s sake, I believe the folder at:
Is what Suite8 will use for views that are built with the Legacy backend.
(Such as the Calls Editview, or the Record Duplication view)

If you wish to edit Suite8 theme styles, I believe this is found in:

Please let us know how you get on!

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