Custom Modules and plugins

Hi all, I’m looking for a developer who has the following modules and fully built and ready to go.

  1. a full blown inventory module with tier pricing and tier sales commissions;
  2. a full blown sales commission report;

If you have one or both modules ready to be demo by me remotely going into a computer of your choice for me to test your inventory module, please hit me up on my skype: Kam Lam

Have you checked any pre-made modules on ?

Thank you, Yes I have - nothing that I have found

Might you know of other websites that I can go to to purchase modules, hopefully not that expensive. Thank you in advance!

No, I don’t think you’ll find more add-on sites.

You can find plenty of people who do SuiteCRM customizations, starting with SalesAgility. People who are used to working with SuiteCRM can make custom modules pretty quick.

Also check this company

and this kind of site:

Or ask around here in the forums, you’ll see other people will offer to work for you doing customizations.

Thank you!