Custom logics vanished during deploy

Hi Team,
In my suitecrm i have created a custom module and also created custom logic hooks, placed all the custom logic hooks in the directory


whenever i deploy the package these logic hooks where vanished, how to preserve this? and what is the correct path?

and also i want to customize my detailviewdefs.php file of the same module, where am supposed to paste the custom detailviedefs.php?

I don’t know much about Module Builder, but it not obvious to me that deploying a module should include deploying logic hooks. They’re separate issues.

You can build a package for module loader with your logic hooks and other bits of custom code. But often it’s easier to just copy the files over.

If you manage the server, I would advise a simple file copy; if you need your customers to do the deployment of your code, then it’s nice to make a package.