Custom Line Items Field are not saves

Hello everyone,

I created custom fields for Start and End Date in Line items in line_items.js and line_items.php.
First, although I set them in vardef.php to be type = ‘date’ they show up, but as text field.
Further, after saving the Quote or Invoice fter populating the line items the fields don’t show up in Detail View, although I set the code for viewing.
When I check I see the values had not been saved. I tried to set it in AOS_Product_Quotes.php in the function save lines, but I did not really know what exactly to do without corrupting the whole system.

Here are the Junks:


var j = y.insertCell(0);
  j.colSpan = "2"; = "rgb(68,68,68)";
  j.innerHTML = "<span style='vertical-align: top;' class='product_start_date_c'>" + SUGAR.language.get(module_sugar_grp1, 'LBL_START_DATE') + " :&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>";
  j.innerHTML += "<input textarea tabindex='116' name='start_date_c[" + prodln + "]' id='product_start_date_c" + prodln + "' rows='1' cols='23' class='product_start_date_c' ></textarea>&nbsp;&nbsp;"


$product .= "<td width='10%' class='tabDetailViewDL' style='text-align: left;padding:2px;' scope='row'>".$mod_strings['LBL_START_DATE']."</td>"


 'start_date_c' => array(
            'name' => 'start_date_c',
            'vname' => 'LBL_START_DATE'
            'type' => 'date'
            'massupdate' => 0,
            'comments' => '',
            'help' => '',
            'importable' => 'true',
            'duplicate_merge' => 'disabled',
            'duplicate_merge_dom_value' => '0',
            'audited' => 1,
            'reportable' => true,
            'display_default' => '',
            'enable_range_search' => true,
            'options' => 'date_range_search_dom',

The result in suite crm is attached

So, how can I set them to be date fields?
How can I save them?
How can I show them in Quotes and Invoices in DetailView?

Thank you very much!