Hi, I am trying to get my head around using custom functions in KReporter in order to display custom dates. For example, I have worked out that using the following custom formulas for Start Date (when it would usually display the date and time) will lead to these outputs:
week({t}.{f}) Week Number
date({t}.{f}) Date Only
I have found these formulas whilst following some basic tutorials on creating reports, which have been very helpful, however I am struggling to find other custom functions that may be useful in this way. For instance, I would like to be able to display the week commencing date rather than the week number but I’m not sure if this is possible.
I would really appreciate any assistance and guidance on this! Thanks!
Actually, I think there should be a separate Category where SuiteCRM users/developers can help each other out with third party plugins to suiteCRM, for just this case where the third party plugin themselves doesn’t have a support forum. A bunch of us are using these plugins, so why not work together to make them work. We obviously shouldn’t expect the suiteCRM developers to be too concerned with that category, but the rest of us could help each other out. What’s the harm? Plus, it might be beneficial from a SEO perspective. If a Sugar user uses kReporter, s/he just might find suiteCRM due to the support form discussion on kReporter and switch to the better product.