Custom fields not appearing in studio

Hi all,
A friend of mine has created custom db fields from studio. After doing “Repair and Rebuild”, he gets custom fields and custom db table of particular module. Now, I cloned his code and did “Repair and Rebuild” but I did not get either custom_fields nor custom db table. I can see custom fields defined in “custom/modules/module_name/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php” but those custom fields did not appear in studio. What am I missing?

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You can’t do that. You should take records about fields from the table fields_meta_data of db to addition to the files.
SuiteCRM support two different ways to addition field.

  • using Studio. The information about field is seting in the table fields_meta_data of db and file.
    – the file name has format - custom/Extension/modules/<module_name>/Ext/Vardefs/_override_sugarfield_<field_name>.php
    – the field name has suffix _c
  • manualy. Create the file with the required type parameters
    – the file name has format - custom/Extension/modules/<module_name>/Ext/Vardefs/<field_name>.php

There is some information here:

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@p.konetskiy I already have the files “custom/Extension/modules/<module_name>/Ext/Vardefs/override_sugarfield<field_name>.php”, but no luck at all. Do I have to run any commands? How does the studio generate custom table?

When you do the QR&R, are you scrolling down to the bottom to see if it offers to make changes in the Database?

Which version of SuiteCRM is this?


No. You have two ways.

  1. Copy records from the table fields_meta_data of the db of your friend.
  2. Create the fields manually.

@pgr it does not offer to make any changes for the custom table! I am using SuiteCRM version 7.11.18

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