Custom fields in address group field in CRM8.x

Hi everyone ! :slight_smile:

I search the forum and the web, found many sources but dont find a fully working way to achieve what I need.

In the Accounts, I can see the fields for billing and shipping adress.
I have understood I cannot use directly the fields like PostCode, City, etc… as they are called with a group field as one single field in Studio (but calling several “sub” fields in this group field).

So, I try to add 3 custom fields in the account address :

  • Addressmore1
  • Addressmore2
  • Adressmore3

I can see in the folder /legacy/custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Vardefs/ that I have to add the fields (Why Cant I use the Studio to add them ??) and the translations in /legacy/custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Language/

Ok, but then in the post all around the web and the forum, I read :
“…modify then config/services/record/fields/grouped_fields_type_map.yaml…”

Ok… but I dont have this folder on my SuiteCRM.

What am I missing here ??

My questions are then :

  • Why cant I create the custom fields in the Studio ? Why I have to create them manually ?
  • Where is this folder “config…” where I can then add the fields in the field group ?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:


What is your SuiteCRM version?

Hi pgr :slight_smile:


Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

You really don’t have this file?

I download the full CRM to my local disk by FTP to perform a search, but no, I dont see this…
I come back with more informations…


Found !

I understand : the config folder in at the same level than the “public” folder used to connect to the CRM.

Ok, then i have created 3 custom field in Studio.

  • Addressmore1
  • Addressmore2
  • Adressmore3

Can I declare in the file directly the fields like this :

        - street
       - Addressmore1
       - Addressmore2
       - Addressmore3
        - postalcode
        - city
        - state
        - country
      display: vertical

or do I have the follow the manual way (create manually the field, translate manually the field, modify the yaml field ?

Other question : if I remove a field from the grouped fields, Can I then use the field as any other field in Studio ? For example if I want to have a specific way to show my fields ? This will not break the CRM if I dont use the group fields (in fact, what are the benefits of these grouped fields ? :wink:

Thanks for your help and your time :slight_smile:

I’m wondering about this as well.
What’s your specific requirement?
I guess nothing would stop you from simply adding a field
via the Studio, placing it in your layouts and using it in your templates.
Logically / technically, that field is not related to your address, but a human would be able to grasp the cohesiveness with the address.

Do you need some custom features like auto fill this detail in the quotes / invoices like the rest of the address?

Hi Bastian,
No, I dont need specific custom features on these 3 fields : the user have to manage “more complex” addresses than the existing one.
We are in France, and adresses can be much longer than a simple street + Postcode + city, for example

M. Albert Dupont
Chemin des coteaux
Quartier B3
Cedex 10

Even if users can “combine” informations, adding fields in address are very important in this case.

So, my question are still the same in my previous post :slight_smile:
Thanks !