Custom entry point not working

Hye everyone!
I registered an entry point

	$entry_point_registry['Events'] = array(
	    'file' => 'custom/modules/FP_events/EventsList.php',
	    'auth' => true

Along with this I wanted the same view when user enters “Events/” or “events/”!
But its not working since I have added a forward slash at the end of url.
I then registered these entries in the file

	$entry_point_registry['Events/'] = array(
	    'file' => 'custom/modules/FP_events/EventsList.php',
	    'auth' => true
	$entry_point_registry['events/'] = array(
	    'file' => 'custom/modules/FP_events/EventsList.php',
	    'auth' => true

Also I wrote the Rewrite rules in .htaccess file!
RewriteRule ^Events/(.?)$ index.php?entryPoint=Events&q=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^Events(.
?)/$ index.php?entryPoint=Events&q=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^events/(.?)$ index.php?entryPoint=Events&q=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^events(.
?)$ index.php?entryPoint=Events&q=$1 [L,QSA]

But its only working for “/Events” and “/events”!
Please guide!

These are the list of errors which are encountered by using “events/” instead of “events”


Check permissions of your server:

How can server permission cause this issue? Since the entry point is working for /events.

Custom entrypoints are very different things than module access URLs. Is your new entry-point really an entry-point, or are you trying to mix it with other Events module screens?

If it’s just an entrypoint, why the ReWrites?

Sorry, the permission isn’t for your situation.

The name “/event” isn’t valid for entry point.

If you want to use the “/” syntax, you should change the URL dynamically, as you wrote in the first post.

Your question not about SuiteCRM. You find answer for you question on forum about web servers (nginx, apache, ect.) more fast.