hi team, is there a way to customize AOR_report.php to limit the number of rows displayed.
Hey there,
So, unfortunately, it seems as though the AOR_Reports functionality isn’t currently capable of being fully extended, like other modules:
So, I can’t immediately think of a way to do this, and make it be upgrade-safe…
However, if you still want to make this change, you can modify the section you have highlighted.
For example, create a new line in your config_override.php file, like so:
$sugar_config['report_list_max'] = '5';
Then, in the section that you have highlighted, modify it like so:
( I have commented out the previous If/else statement, and created a new one that uses our new config_override value)
This should limit reports to the value that you have entered in config_override.php, (in this instance: 5)
And, as we don’t modify the “list_max_entries_per_page” value, it won’t affect the number of items displayed on Module Listviews.
However, I’d like to stress again that this would not be upgrade-safe, and there is a chance that the code is overwritten upon upgrading
I’ve learned a few tricks since those posts you linked
This kind of thing should probably work also for Reports module upgrade-safe customization:
Of course, you’ll have to adapt that example to the AOR_Reports module, making sure to get all the names correctly.
Ah, very cool!
Much appreciated!
Thank you very much John, I think I will have to make those changes and take it for a future update