cron fails / reports probleam


first of all, congratulations to the development team for the excellent work.

However I have some problems with the new version 7.2.1 for which I need help.

1- problems to run scheduled tasks (cron job)

take with this error and nothing more (in all jobs) …

:: getInstance () should not be called statically
Fri Mar 13 17:13:12 2015 [661,401] [- none -] [FATAL] Caught error: Non-static method SugarConfig :: getInstance () should not be called statically
Fri Mar 13 17:30:02 2015 [677,103] [1] [FATAL] Job 920fc699-2ccb-4c5d-3cab-5503097a85bd (Run All Night Emails Processing Returned campaigns) failed in CRON run.

2-in module of reports, I am trying to create a report that allows you to select the entity of the module invoices.

In edit mode, I select the entity with no problems.
When save and try to run the report, it opens the new window to search the entity, select, the window closes but the field is blank …

best regards