Creating a URL


System: Azure hosted (Bitnami) SuiteCRM 7.11.5 on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

I’m looking to display a URL link (ideally on an icon) to the right of a telephone number that will allow click to call functionality. I know there are packages out there, but none meet my exact requirements.

I need the following values suffixing the url (e.g. xx.xx.xx.xx/callout.php?extension=200&outbound_number=01202889977&outbound_line=300):

extension (this is the data in a new field in the users module; extension_c. It should relate to the current user)
outbound_number (this is the data in office_phone field)
outbound_line* (this is the data in a new field; partner_outside_line_c)

In the CRM I need two types of account; partner and partner client, so created a boolean field (partner_c). Each partner client needs to be linked to a partner so I also need a 1-1 relationship between accounts and accounts and a dropdown field containing only accounst where partner_c=1. The dropdown field should only be displayed if partner_c=0.

So, if accounts.partner_c = 1 then outbound_line = accounts.partner_outside_line_c. If accounts.partner_c = 0 then outbound_line = (partner)accounts.partner_outside_line_c

I’m not sure if I have explained it very well!

So to cut it short I don’t know how to display an icon with URL link referencing data from multiple modules. Also, I don’t know how to create a dropdown field (that is only displayed on certain criteria) which displayed accounts (based on certain criteria)

If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!


James Knight

For your customisations, you need to load Custom JS into your module Detail View and then in that JS Document Ready, perform the settings/modifications for the URL that you need to be appended with the Phone number along with the Icon.