"Created by contact" not visibile in cases list view

Hi everybody,
I have a brand new installation of Suitecrm 8.6.
In Studio, simply adding “Created by contact” in “Edit view” and “List View”.
In Edit mode I can edit the field, but in List View I see allways empty.
Could someone explain me what’s wrong?

Did you refresh page and check? Could you provide screenshots?
Check column chooser option in the list view!

Hi, thank you for the reply.
Here the steps and screenshot.
Brand new installation of 8.6.1, browser cache cleaned.
Created a first company, create a first contact.
Changed cases form and list as attached.
Inserted a new case.
Attached the result.
Thank you

Hello @AlandiAcribia

it seems to be an issue related to the relationship!?

In order to accomplish that, I’ve added a new ‘relate’ field in the cases module.

After all ONE case can only be created by ONE contact.

It’s still a bit odd.
There are two case - contact relationships in the studio.
The 1:n should basically be just like the field I’ve created.

Maybe you’ve found a bug there?