Create KnowledgeBase Article from Case

I am not sure if I am missing something - but it seems logical that if the Cases Suggestions are pulling from the Knowledgebase articles (a beauty of a feature) - then the Cases module should feed the Knowledge base.

I see in SugarCRM PRO – there is ‘Create Article’ in Cases record view.

Forgive me if this question has been asked in this forum - i was not able to see anything along this line of questioning.

see attached file for screenshot of SugarCRM case.

I see that there is no answer to that topic, and I myself was looking for the solution some time ago and didn’t find it, so I had to deal with it by maself. I guess it is to late for you, but it may be helpfull to others.

I created custom check box in Cases module case_to_kb_c (Add resolution to Knowledge Base) and put it to edit view in Studio.

Create workflow executed on save with below conditions:
Case field resolution not equal to empty (You don’t want to add empty articles)
Case state equals closed (That adds only articles from cases that were closed)
Case field Add resolution to Knowledge Base is checked.

Then add action Create Record (type KB)

KB title equals Case subject
KB body equals Case resolution
Revision equals
Status equals draft (unless you want KB articles with no revision)
Author equals Modified by Name or Assignet to

You may also want to add field Knowledge base category with value “Automatically created from case” or assign article to the user for the revision

And that’s it :slight_smile: