Create a notification when new history item added?

SuiteCRM Version 7.11.15
What’s a straightforward way to alert a user/users (for example via an email) when a new history note is created? Would that be a workflow?
Any other options?
Thanks for your assistance.

I don’t know if it is possible with Workflows, but you have this

You can add it from an after_save Logic hook. In reality, if you want to cover all kinds of History items, you’ll have to create a separate hook for each module (Emails, Notes, completed Tasks, etc)

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@pgr thank you.
Will look into those.
Kind regards,

The easiest way is workflow.
For example, Opportunities o assigned to user u. u wants to get an email notification when someone adds notes.
workflow module: notes.

  1. Notes parent type: Opportunities.
  2. Opportunities module assign to u.
  3. Notes not assigned to u.(to avoid u received his own notes.)
  4. other condition

send email to u.

email template:
New note “$note_name” is created for $note_parent_name.

U will get every note now. if u hold lots of Opportunities it’ll be like email spam.

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@keysu thank you! I will try this and let you know how I get on.