CR+LF in TextArea field


We load some data to custom module using SOAP webservice.

In the module there is multiline TextArea field and some of the it’s values we import, indeed, contain LF symbols (0x0A, Unix-style line break).

Import goes well, no errors.

However, after you first open imported record’s form and just click ‘Save’ on it (without really changing anything), there is a change for this field tracked in change journal…
Visually, there is no difference, but, comparing database values before and after we discovered, that SuiteCRM replaced Unix-style line-breaks (LF, 0x0A) with Windows style line-breaks (CR+LF, 0x0D+0x0A), which is very strange, because we have Linux-based installation…

Anyone encountered the same problem? If there are config for changing this behaviour or, maybe, some fix…

Any help will be greatly appreciated