Couple with Freescout or other external ticketing system - BCC or webhooks?

I want to use Freescout as a helpdesk system. What is a viable way to deliver all communication (basically emails and attachments) from Freescout to SuiteCRM and let associate these to the contacts in SuiteCRM?
I’m thinking of (i) webhooks sent from Freescout to SuiteCRM or (ii) a BCC email address, which SuiteCRM can read. For the second option I found some indications about that sort of BCC is supported in SugarCRM. But maybe webhooks are much more powerful and allow more automation, maybe together with Workflows?

SuiteCRM has Group email accounts (a misleading name) which allow for auto-import. That auto-import function will do some automatic creation of relationships if the email address is already present in the CRM. So with some luck it might me enough for your needs.